In November, an original HBO documentary titled “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived” will debut, about Daniel Radcliffe’s stunt double on the set of “Harry Potter”. Holmes suffered an accident while making “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” which left him paralyzed from the chest down.
The film will feature behind-the-scenes footage, scenes from Holmes’ life and interviews, including with Radcliffe, who is also the documentary’s executive producer. This isn’t the first time Holmes and Radcliffe have collaborated after the end of the Potter series – they also hosted the Cunning Stunts podcast together.
It was during a flight rehearsal, when an explosion that was set to go off threw the actor to the ground and left him paralysed from the chest down.
The documentary, from Sky and HBO Documentary Films, is Holmes’ coming-of-age story, and will feature the stuntman in previously unseen behind-the-scenes footage of his life on his various shoots and intimate interviews with family and friends of the one-time gymnast.
The production will be released on November 15 in the United States.
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